Cloud, simulation and current development

Cloud The cloud architecture was extended with automated features. Web-based communication with simulation core for simulation state updates. New server installation and subsequent integration in our Kubernetes high performance computing cluster. Backups and redundancy of our distributed storage server cluster as well as gapless data traffic encryption. Thus, the user Read more…

Photo, simulation and feedback

Team photo Our IT expert Fabian Pfannes has started to work on graphical user interfaces and databases of our online portal. The picture shows the initial team in front of our office. First simulation An internal version of the simulation kernel was achieved including models and procedures for markets (spot, Read more…

Team, office and scholarship

Following the current state of Maon. Team The team is now complete. We have all necessary skills for the realization of the founding idea. Mr. Dariush Wahdany develops during his bachelor thesis a part of the simulation kernel. Further, Mr. Nicolai Schmid has started the development of the cloud. Office Read more…

Customer service and prototype deadline

Thank you very much for your interest in the startup project Maon. We assembled a qualified team that is able to realize the development of a cloud-based and easy-to-use market simulation. In doing so, we have completed an application for a startup scholarship called “EXIST-Gruenderstipendium”. The last piece of the Read more…